As the annual sale was cancelled due to covid some of our members are offering the option of private sales. You can contact the seller if you are interested in purchasing one of their products. The products are not juried but are created following guild standards used for the annual sale. Sherry Stewart – Coniagas@shaw.ca 604-209-2747 https://www.facebook.com/allouettefarm/ Are you interested in learning all facets of Handspinning from fleece selection through to Dyeing and Yarn Construction? The clubhouse is newly renovated! Donna Telep – efy1@shaw.ca etsy.com/shop/mommagoesbohofacebook.com/mommagoesboho Renate Rathonyi Reusz – renates1229@aol.com Joanne Power – powerjoanne0@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/thefabricofart/ Gretchen Hoff – farmerhoff@gmail.com Judy Dixon – dixonjudy12@gmail.com Betty Stoesz – bettystoesz@yahoo.com